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Social Advocates

Social Advocates
Engaging in purposeful action that will help people advance their rights. opportunities, causes and human dignity a hallmark of social work. Social workers believe in empowering through Advocacy to help improve people’s lives, family dynamics, group processes, organizational functioning, community-based ventures and services and policy- oriented decisions and guidelines.
Many people are unable to provide adequately for themselves at one point or another, some people experience a lifetime of challenges from which they struggle to escape the personal reasons vary, from physical or mental barriers to lack of proper socialization and education to lower social status through birth, custom, or misfortune. in addition societal factors such as lack of public resources and services, unsupportive political will and entrenched systems of privileges and oppression impact and constrain the ability of people to move forward many people often to struggle with the basics-food, water, shelter, health care and human dignity.
Gondoob Research and social justice Advocacy often work with clients and constitutes who are under stress and feel desperate and powerless. When considering Advocacy as a means of creating changes it is essential to keep the human aspect of helping in mind people are susceptible to pain and permanent damage and can perish when critical needs go unmet. All the people should be treated as human beings with dignity not as problems, objects or cases.
Implicit in this discussion of why professional advacates-that is social workers are needed is the idea of Social Inequality. Some people have more access to society’s benefits and resources, status, wealth, power and some have less. Some Inequality is part of human condition. However those at the top may use their advantages to organize society to suit their needs. Often they do so to the clear detriment of those blow them on the social scale
Advocating for public health doesn’t have to be left solely up to the experts. Informed citizens also have the power to educate and influence their elected officials about critical public health issues. We understand and offer our support in research, awareness campaigns and trainings in various health centres to encourage our people to embrace better healthcare.
Sports is particularly key to youth development. Physical education, physical activity, and sport, in general, contribute to the development of soft skills and impart values such as teamwork, solidarity, and respect, all of which are crucial to building peaceful and cohesive societies. We work to promote and develop the talents of our youth which also encourages personal development.
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